Medicine, Health Sciences
Explore 236 programmes.
In a course of study in medicine, you learn everything about the structure and functions of the body and about diseases and their treatment. After graduating, you can work as a doctor, a dream shared by many high school graduates. Your competition for admission to medical programmes is fierce: there are a large number of applicants for every available slot in the courses of study. If you do not have very good grades, you will have to accept long waiting times to be able to study medicine.
87 Higher Education Institutions
Bachelor, Master, State Examination
German, English
2-13 Semesters
Regardless of whether you study human, veterinary, or dental medicine, you usually complete your studies with a state examination rather than a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. Your course of study will take at least nine semesters for veterinary or dental medicine and at least 12 semesters for human medicine and be extremely learning-intensive.
The course of study always begins with a basic study period, the so-called “Grundstudium”, also known as “Vorklinik”. In this introductory phase, you will acquire the basics in scientific subjects such as biology, biochemistry, or physics. You complete this part of your studies with an examination, called either a “Physikum” or a “Vorphysikum”. This is followed by the clinical part of your studies, which focuses on specific diseases and treatment methods as well as practical experience. This is also followed by an examination, the “Physikum”, or the second medical examination. After this, you go through intensive practical phases of varying lengths, some of which end with more examination periods. Only then is your course of study complete, allowing you to apply for a license to practice medicine. In some cases, this is followed by training to become a specialist, which again takes several years.
The three medical courses of study of human medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry are standardised nationwide in respective licensing regulations. The admission restrictions are also regulated nationwide and most study places are allocated by a centralised authority. Which office is responsible for allocating places depends on your nationality and where you acquired your higher education entrance qualification. Germans and prospective students from EU countries apply to the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung, Only prospective students from a non-EU country can apply directly to the university or via uni-assist. If you are already studying medicine and would like to apply for a higher semester (e.g. by exchanging, changing or transferring), you can also apply directly to the university/via uni-assist. As you can see, this can be a little complex, so it’s best to find out as early as possible!
To be successful in your application you have to prove very good grades – or you have to spend a few semesters on a waiting list before you are admitted to a course of study. In order to enjoy working as a doctor and be successful in your chosen profession later on, you also need well-developed social skills. During the practical phases of your studies, but especially later in your career, you will have very challenging interactions with patients or their relatives. Many universities, therefore, offer you an online test for self-assessment. The test result has no influence on your admission, but it may help you make a final decision as to whether studying medicine could be right for you.
For many first-year students, the profession of doctor seems very attractive, so as already mentioned, it can be very difficult to get one of the coveted study places. There are also Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in the health sector, which also teach medical, health and social sciences. With this degree, however, you are not allowed to practise medicine in Germany. Some of these degree programmes require a completed vocational training, but it can be easier to get started there.
The good thing about studying in Germany is that you probably don’t have to pay tuition fees if you study at a public university. There are only a few exceptions to this rule (sometimes it hinges on your nationality), so it is best to check directly with the university you are interested in.
Public universities charge their students semester contributions; these are approximately 100 to 400 euros that you pay to the university per semester. Sometimes your semester contribution covers a ticket for local public transport or you can purchase a discounted ticket. Depending on where you study, this may be valid for the city, the region or even for all of Germany. Ask your higher education institution whether such an offer is currently available.
In addition, you will have to pay for a doctor’s coat, stethoscopes, dissecting instruments for the anatomy course, etc. The AStAs, which are the student representatives, sometimes put together material packages for first-semester students, so you can save some money and be fully equipped right away.
The majority of your monthly budget will probably be spent on rent. Especially in big cities or cities popular with students, rent is more expensive than average. The best thing to do is to check with the student union to see if you can get a cheap room there or look for a shared flat. These are by far the cheapest forms of accommodation, and in both cases, you’ll get to know people at the same time. As soon as you have decided on where you want to study, you should start looking, as halls of residence can fill up quickly. Here, you can find information on local halls of residence and the respective application process for most cities.
To finance your studies in Germany, you should also find out about scholarships. There are many different scholarship programmes and excellent grades are not the only deciding factor. You can learn more about scholarships here and find suitable programmes directly on My GUIDE.
Regardless of your field of specialisation, the most common jobs after graduating with a state examination in medicine are in hospitals, medical practices and other medical centres, or in medical research and teaching.
But, with your medical degree, you can also find a position in the public health sector or in administration. The same applies to more technical jobs, such as in medical technology or medical informatics. Your education can also open doors for you in science or medical journalism.