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Religious education, Protestant Paderborn University

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Bachelor of Education

Standard period of study (amount)

6 semesters


Overview and admission

Study Type


Admission semester

Summer and Winter Semester

Area of study

Special Pedagogy, inclusive Pedagogy (Teaching Degree)

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

(1)\tAdmission requirements for the Bachelor's degree for the Teaching Qualification for Special Educational Needs: higher education entrance qualification (general or relevant subject-restricted), entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences on the basis of a statutory ordinance or a certificate recognised as equivalent by legislation or by the responsible state authority, or applicants considered to be qualified through professional training, or who meet the requirements of the Bildungsausländerhochschulzugangsverordnung (Foreign Education University Admissions Ordinance). (2)\tProspective students who did not obtain their qualification for admission from a German-language institution must have adequate proficiency in German. For unrestricted admission or enrolment in all degree courses, the applicant must provide proof of language proficiency adequate for studying. Further details are governed by the current version of the Ordinance on the German Language Proficiency Test for the Admission to Higher Education at the Universität Paderborn. (3)\tAn aptitude test must be successfully passed to enrol for studies in the teaching subjects Art, Music and Sports. Other details are governed by the special regulations for studies of the teaching subjects or separate regulations to assess the course-related aptitude. (4)\tAdditional requirements may result from the special regulations for studies in educational sciences and studies in special education subject areas, teaching areas and teaching subjects.

Lecture period

  • 08.04.2024 - 19.07.2024
  • 07.10.2024 - 31.01.2025

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Languages of instruction

Main language


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