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Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology Constructor University

Du kannst unverbindlich deine Zugangsmöglichkeiten für grundständige Studiengänge prüfen. Jetzt prüfen.


Bachelor of Arts


6 Semester

Überblick und Zulassung




Zulassung nur im Wintersemester




Biology, Brain, and Cognition, Humans in Social Contexts, Introduction to Psychology, Applied Psychology

Anmerkung zum Studiengang

The Jacobs BSc in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology is built on a multi-level approach to human behavior, reflecting the insight that behavior is constrained and shaped by factors that range from biological and psychological variables to socio-cultural contexts. These factors interact in an intricate fashion in their effects on behavior. Our program focuses on equipping you with the skills to analyze, model, and eventually influence those multi-level interactions. You will explore in depth how diverse, for instance, relationships between individual people, between social groups, and even between cultures, may become as a function of influences from those different levels. The Jacobs BSc program in Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology lays a solid foundation for careers in a range of directions: advertising, counseling, diversity management health promotion, human resource management, intercultural relations, management consulting, market research, media, psychotherapy, and sales, as well as applied research in companies, public institutions ,and non-governmental organizations. In particular ISCP prepares for roles in which you contribute to strategies for facing the challenges of diversifying societies.



Weitere Informationen zu Zugangs- und Zulassungsbedingungen


- Bewerbungsformular (Common Application Form) - Tabellarische Darstellung der bisher besuchten Schulen (und Universitäten) - Essay - 1 Empfehlungsschreiben der Schule - Abitur oder internationales Äquivalent und Schulzeugnisse der letzten 2-3 Jahre - ggf. SAT/ACT Test (nicht notwendig bei Vorliegen einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung für Deutschland (Abitur)) - Englisch Sprachtest, z.B. TOEFL


  • 01.09.2023 - 30.05.2024
  • 01.02.2025 - 31.05.2025



20.000,00 EUR / Jahr

Studienbeitrag (Link)

The annual undergraduate tuition for Bachelor programs is 20,000 EUR. A single bedroom, a shared bathroom for two students, standard utility costs and Internet, plus three meals a day are set at 8,500 EUR per academic year for the 2023 intake. Academic achievement scholarships, tuition deferral, and financial aid are available.




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